Register for our ManpowerGroup Q4 Hiring Trends & Recruitment Strategies for 2024 Webinar - October 25th 12pm.
In our latest ManpowerGroup Ireland webinar of 2023 we will be exploring the key hiring trends for Q4 2023 and the changing recruitment landscape that will impact on 2024 HR strategies. Mark the date - Wednesday October 25th at 12pm. 45 minutes of engaging discussion and Q&A available to attendees.
We are delighted to be joined by one of our HR partner companies as a guest speaker for the event where they will be providing key insights from their perspective on how talent attraction is changing based on what key insights they are seeing from their platform .
Key Webinar Takeaways from this Event will Include:
Employment Outlook for Q4 and how optimistic are hiring managers
What sectors are doing well and which are less optimistic
The company sizes hiring comparisons
Talent shortage and how companies are adapting to the marketplace
Discussing the top productivity drivers of Irish employers
Employers’ top HR Priorities by generation
How the trends are impacting on jobs at the moment
Insights and best practice recommendations from
Q& A where we can answer any questions you have regarding hiring trends or recruitment strategies